Python Addition

Python addition is done with +, the addition operator.

>>> 8 + 3
>>> 3 + 2 + 1

Adding floats:

>>> 8.3 + 2.3

Note that floating point operations can produce small rounding errors, 8.3 + 2.3 is not necessarily 10.6.

When adding numbers, if any of the numbers in the operation are floats, Python will return a float.

Adding negatives:

>>> -8 + -11

Just adding a + in front of a constant/variable will just give back the number itself, the value’s identity.

>>> +3

You can also use the addition operator + to concatenate certain data types, like strings, lists and tuples:

>>> 'hey' + ' ' + 'there'
'hey there'
>>> [3, 4] + [5, 8]
[3, 4, 5, 8]
>>> (3, 4,) + (2,)
(3, 4, 2)